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"sizeInd": "LIVING SQFT ",
"universalsize": 1738
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"baths1qtr": 0,
"baths3qtr": 0,
"bathscalc": 3,
"bathsfull": 2,
"bathshalf": 1,
"bathstotal": 3,
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"interior": {
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"bsmttype": "UNFINISHED",
"fplccount": 0
"construction": {
"condition": "GOOD",
"wallType": "ALUMINUM"
"parking": {
"prkgSize": 0,
"prkgSpaces": "0"
"summary": {
"archStyle": "TYPE UNKNOWN",
"bldgsNum": 1,
"bldgType": "SINGLE FAMILY",
"levels": 2,
"storyDesc": "SINGLE FAMILY",
"unitsCount": "0",
"yearbuilteffective": 0
"vintage": {
"lastModified": "2015-4-3",
"pubDate": "2015-5-9"
"assessment": {
"appraised": {
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"apprlandvalue": 0,
"apprttlvalue": 0
"assessed": {
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"assdimprvalue": 31700,
"assdlandpersizeunit": 3.6,
"assdlandvalue": 9400,
"assdttlpersizeunit": 23.65,
"assdttlvalue": 41100
"calculations": {
"calcimprind": "ASSESSED VALUE",
"calcimprpersizeunit": 18.24,
"calcimprvalue": 31700,
"calclandind": "ASSESSED VALUE",
"calclandpersizeunit": 15.72,
"calclandvalue": 9400,
"calcttlind": "ASSESSED VALUE",
"calcttlvalue": 41100,
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"market": {
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"amount": {
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"ratioTaxValue": 4.99,
"monthlyChgPct": 0,
"monthlyChgValue": 0,
"rangePctOfValue": 18
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"amount": {
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"saleTransDate": "2003-8-27",
"amount": {
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"geo_center_latitude": "40.8487110000",
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"id": "CO36005",
"name": "Bronx",
"type": "CO"
"business_category": "BANKS - FINANCIAL",
"city": "New York",
"distance": "0.01",
"franchise": "",
"geo_latitude": "40.707595",
"geo_longitude": "-74.011172",
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"industry": "BANKS",
"lob": "BANKS",
"name": "State Export Import Bank",
"ob_id": "10139302",
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"primary": "PRIMARY",
"state": "NY",
"street": "14 Wall St # 20",
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We have many different pricing options depending on what your needs are. If you are just getting started on development, you can start using our APIs now by signing up for a free API key or our start-up plan. For more usage, give us a call about our enterprise options that work best for you.
Yes (for the most part) because the goal of delivering this data through an API is to make it easy for you to integrate the data into your products. We only ask that you carefully read through our terms of usage here to ensure that you are displaying the allowed information. Give us a call if you have specific questions about usage!
Very easy! Our goal is to get you the data you need in a format that is easy to use to support your project. After you have an API key, you can begin making calls to our endpoint URLs and start getting back data in a JSON or XML format for integration into your product.
Check out our data dictionary and interactive docs for each API. These should be able to give you a good idea of all of the data we offer and how it would be returned through the APIs. If you don’t see something you’re looking for, let us know and we would love to talk more about trying to get you what you need!